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Neurofeedback Brain Training For Older Adults
Feel, Think, and Live Like Your Younger Self
Need assistance? Send us a message at DRhenrymkaiser@gmail.com

What is
Life stress impacts your brain. This "dysregulation" impacts your health. Neurofeedback activates your brain's natural capacity to re-regulate how it functions. The result: better sleep, reduced migraines depression and anxiety; in short, a better quality of mental life. The therapy is enjoyable, relaxing, painless and non-invasive, works relatively quickly and the results are sustainable. It works for clients of all ages, including clients with concerns for cognitive impairment.
"The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life" (A.R.Bernard).


Individual Client
Neurofeedback can be experienced at the office location - 1500 NW Bethany Blvd, Suite 200, Beaverton OR 97006 or on-site in the comfort and privacy of any residential center once arrangements are made with staff for a suitable space and scheduling procedures.
Neurofeedback for Chronic and Cumulative Stress and Trauma
View a powerful TED Talk video
We watched a powerful TED Talk titled, "How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime." Dr. Nadine Burke discusses how "exposure to trauma during childhood can dramatically increase people’s risk for 7 out of 10 of the leading causes of death in the U.S.—including high blood pressure, heart disease, and cancer—and it’s crucial to address this public health crisis."
While serving as a member of the Board of Kaiser Foundation Hospitals & Health Plan for 30 years he saw the Kaiser Permanente program, and the health care profession struggle to improve mental health care quality. In 2018, he was introduced to a type of brain training known as neurofeedback.
He was impressed with the ability of this modality to be deployed inexpensively at scale and in the process reduce other health care expenditures. In addition, he was also impressed with its effectiveness in helping patients of all ages, and across a wide variety of symptoms achieve an improved quality of life. If you are interested or for more info visit [Neurofeedback Advocacy Link].
An older adult, as an active customer within a formal health program, participating in occasional health corporate wellness and senior living visits, or living an older adult residential home, faces unique challenges in receiving services that address issues: anxiety and depression, poor sleep, concerns for cognitive impairment, and many other symptoms that are experienced in ways unique to each potential client base. He is 78, and as an older adult, he felt he could serve such patients well by bringing neurofeedback to them, on site, where they live. He earned his MBA degree in 1968, and PsyD degree in 2010.
He was a former Co-Director of the Neurofeedback Advocacy Project, and served as a Founding Board member of its Foundation.